Sunday, 24 December 2017

Back from our Trip

So having got home late Wednesday evening from our five weeks of travel , which included a night sleeping and just being in Grace cathedral , ski planes and landing on glaciers , safaris , a magical deep moment with an aboriginal elder and so so many more amazing experiences , I have managed to land fully and make time for a post. Really does not seem like other Christmas times gone by , no time to get overloaded with the material world and what it makes of this time of year , instead we have taken the dogs each morning to the beach and just really appreciating what we have here . Lovely to travel and as lovely to return . What I did have whilst we were away was space to allow some ideas to flow in and land with me and the idea of three weekend retreats to be held in February, March and April. They will be small intimate women only spaces six participants in total . The overriding theme is what does it mean to be a fully realised woman in the 21st century. Had we have been born in 2000 we would now becoming of age , unfortunately in our culture we do not honour rites of passage and what there deeper meanings are . I will post full details on the website shortly, but so you have some idea the weekends will run Friday to Monday morning the final weekend will encompass earth day on the 22nd April when we will have an all night puja . The entire cost for the three weekends is just £395 . Deposits will need to be paid by the end of January . You must be able to commit to all three weekends . Hope this may have resonated with some of you please contact us if you require more information at this stage , not fully sure when the details will be on the website I have a few other things to attend to as I am sure all you women are aware of xx   Sending love to you all for a peaceful time Jenni  x

Saturday, 25 November 2017

From sea otters to saving four legged souls .

Well what joys are we having , each day something new requiring our full attention and keeping us grounded and in the moment .
After such a great weekend in San Francisco we travelled to Morro Bay on Monday where our travels plans changed due to the coastal highway being closed . However we meet a man who's young daughter had died just that week humbling , and yet the exchange we had was so beautiful , deep and so meaningful . Routes and plans can change in a moment that much was made so very clear !
 We then encountered the Sea otters in the bay there, just the start of Tuesday ......

Airport chaos the next part of the day so just trying to stayed relaxed required great patience and meditation skills , things we practice daily so happily we managed to stay cool , board the overnight flight and arrive in Tahiti .......
Paradise and super relaxing , exactly what we need . I have learnt that we cannot pour from an empty cup and self care and love is essential .
We make sure we spend time with locals staying in a small family run place and shopping with road side vendors where possible. This is the view we have each morning.

Our hosts dogs came to visit us as if to inform us of information we would need whilst here.
And that was to become apparent when a little lost dog ran in front of our car for about a mile . It finally ran into the ditch alongside the road ,and naturally we stopped to see how it was.

Terrified but happy for us to pick it up , we wrapped it in a beach towel and brought it back to our accommodation certain that the host would approve and be able to help.
We washed and fed her ,little puppy she is and tried our best to deal with the flea infestation , clipped all the vegetation out of her and posted on the local lost pets site . She slept soundly that night and in the morning our host came and collected her . She is currently with one of her staff who is happy to keep her if no one comes forward .

Lovely to help another lost soul four legged though she is .

Monday, 20 November 2017

Seashores and labyrinths

So Judith took us to Point Reyes yesterday , the weather was so kind . Ali and Judith drew two labyrinths in the sand and we all walked them together . It's a ritual that is part of the women's soul quest Judith facilates back at the farm each May , we all go to Penbryn beach and walk a labyrinth Judith draws in the sand there . It was lovely to be able to join her at her favourite place in California and do the same . 

Then her own little one outside her front door that I walked this morning .

We have three labyrinths within the gardens at home and they are such a beautiful tool to ground , release and just be within.
We leave the San Francisco district today and head south , we will hug the shoreline as we go we will no doubt be taking many pictures along the way .
So let's see what we can capture as we go .

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Dreams and spirals .

So not fully sure what sleeping on the floor of a cathedral has taught me yet , the experience though was certainly not the average daily one ! A special thirtieth celebration of the event added to the whole thing , and along with jet lag it's all very surreal . 

I met some beautiful women who shared a very sacred space and time together . Very blessed indeed . Much more will come from what occurred  during our dream time together and thankfully I have space  to allow it to arise and process fully . A great way to use the jet lag in the middle of the night !

What ever comes from this I know will be of use when more seekers come to the garden . The wisdom of the women and the deep heart opening and connection can only bring insights that will enrich my life , and then naturally the lives of those I encounter . So lovely to be in this beautiful part of the USA with a local . We will head to the beach later and make a labyrinth in the sand .
For now though middle of the night here as it is I will try and get a little more sleep .

Friday, 17 November 2017

City by the bay

We arrived in San Francisco early evening yesterday Pacific time . We are 8 hours behind the UK here and after the great flight and some sleep we were up around 2.30 am . Settling in , though not fully in sync with the time change .
I have the women's dream quest tonight at Grace Catherdral with our great friend Judith Tripp facilitating. I am so looking forward to that . Sleeping and dreaming in a Cathedral ......
What new ideas will flow in ???
We have heard from Sally back at the farm and garden , all is well there .
Well we will grab a few pictures no doubt as the day progresses and put some on this blog. Really looking forward to going across the bay to Muir woods again and seeing the giant Sequioa trees there . When I first came nearly thirty years ago I didn't have a local to help inform me of the history etc. This time Judith has plans to show us more , and I feel sure we will get lots of great information and story telling about the place . This trip is now moving from the planning to the reality , blessed be .

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Looking Forward

Lots to look forward to now .

The new sunroom at the back of Sunflower is taking shape , 

Willow needs just a few last minute finishing touches 

, all should be finished when we return from our trip, which of course we are really anticipating eagerly.
Things are seeming to move very quickly, transformation is all around us .
Sally and Micheal have arrived they will be looking after the farm whilst we travel , last minute check list of who gets feed what and when ..... list of contacts in an emergency , though we don't envisage any need for those .
We now can get on with packing and relaxing , easing into the overdue holiday . A time for us to refresh and renew so we have lots to offer the next seeker . The fire here in May a distant memory and the energy of change it brought with it so very evident . The sun today shining with its own fire energy .
Feeling blessed .

Friday, 10 November 2017

Changes a plenty.

What a busy week , so much has changed .
Helen came and left , she let us know she arrived home last night safe and well feeling totally different to the person who arrived at the weekend . Quick transformation indeed.

Much like everything else here !!!

Just look at what's happened in Willow cottage.

And then the new porch at the back of Sunflower , which will become the craft room.

All four dogs have have a wash and been clipped where needed .
Probably why I have not had time to gather myself to write a blog . Good news today though , we are preparing for the weekend away to Malvern and the sound healing conference .
Plenty of time and space for Ali and myself to totally relax and restore ourselves . Transformation & changes nothing staying the same .
The nearly bare trees let us be totally aware of that .

Monday, 6 November 2017

Floors and doors

Yesterday saw two of the floors in Willow laid , today we may see the doors fitted . Certainly the final stages are coming together nicely.

Helen arrived for some respite and her feet are planted firmly on the floor/ground here , the animals and the land  of Gwenhwyfar Garden already doing their work . I hope we can enter new doorways together as her time here continues .

I love the way all the daily chores weave with the deeper soul work each seeker comes here to explore. Floors and doorways seem very appropriate , though to really keep myself grounded I love nothing better than bare feet on the earth . The new wooden floors do feel nice under foot though and with all the extra insulation not at all cold .

It's lovely and bright here today the sun coming up behind the trees by the chapel, so beautiful ......
Grateful and certainly feeling very blessed to be doing my work in such a magical place .

Saturday, 4 November 2017

Patches of beauty

So our first seeker has left ,  Debbie , who we enjoyed having with us . She left two little patches crocheted with love for the shawl . 

I hope she left any old ideas that were blocking her too . It certainly appeared that way .
We will have a couple of quiet days now before Helen arrives tomorrow afternoon.
Well what I really should say is we will be doing the regular chores , along with some bits and pieces in the rebuilt cottage . That part I am  really looking forward to , the new kitchen is starting to take shape and the bathroom is all but finished .

We will have a bonfire with some of the packing boxes etc, later today if the rain holds off.

So really we will not have a quiet couple of days , but a different style couple of days . That's how it is here , changes that bring a different tempo , along with different meanings . 

No tradesmen working here at all today and the pace seems a lot slower . We will definitely ease our way into things able to fully appreciate all the transformation happening . The leaves that are still falling .......

Friday, 3 November 2017

Flocking and weaving together .

Today sees our first seeker leave . I am looking forward to seeing the crochet squares Debbie has made for the shawl . The process is now underway . They will be sewn together and will eventually make the seekers own shawl I have been visioning now for several weeks.
No real surprise that as we returned from the beach with the dogs this morning , the tree up the track was alive with birds all flocked together and making the most amazing sounds.
I felt a real resonance with this flocking together , and how people are attracted to what they require , even if at times we  are not aware of what is right under our noses.

We had another enquiry yesterday and it does appear that we have people who feel drawn here , not in flocks but a gentle flow , a pace that is gentle and calming .

That is essential for balance is the key . So as Debbie leaves today with new insights and renewed on different levels , we will take some time to renew ourselves whilst we move towards Sunday and Helens arrival. The flow gentle and balanced although the gathering of a flock of sorts , whom we hope will remember the time they spent here at Gwenhwyfar Garden .

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Murky Morning Musings

A misty murky morning that whilst damp and grey has given me sometime to sit and ponder , a little while longer than of late .

The workers for the roof on the craft room are due to arrive today,  and not being sure if the damp will affect that, I just have to accept it will be done when it gets done .

Time these days is very different from the hurried and often angst filled days of my youth and past . Then it could seem a matter of life and death that things didn't happen when scheduled .
Things happen that they do for sure , and it's far less vexing if I just accept that I really have no control of timings . A sort of gentle surrender to all that is , oh my and it only took me to reach 60 to finally be able to go with the flow .
Thankfully it has allowed Gwenhwyfar Garden to develop organically and enquiries are coming in .
So grateful to have this time and place at this stage of my life .
Transformation happens , sometimes quickly sometimes slowly , however it happens and just for today it seems slowly .

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Day of the Dead and Ritual

A truly beautiful start to today . Debbie arrived yesterday and after getting to know each other a little more, we decided to have a ritual this morning on the beach , honouring our ancestors who have departed this realm.
The dogs seemed to know the importance of what we were doing each came and inspected giving a little of their own special energy to the ceremony.

This particular beach is where we come each May and do a full releasing ceremony as wise women who honour each other in our journeys.
Today with just the two of us and Ali in the distance taking pictures and holding the space ,was no less  sacred and very special .

I love this work,  and as Debbie and I spoke after , we realised how important ritual is to us and how we lose sight of it so easily in the world today .
Privileged to be able to offer such powerful ceremonies for our seekers who come . Thank you brave souls past , present and future who guide us in this important work.

Gone fishing

Well another day and a new start . Lillie found a beached fish and was not willing to put it down. Funny thing as yesterday she was very stiff in the morning and I said I would give her some cod liver oil , she took the job on for herself !!

We had our new caretakers stay over last night to learn the ropes they will be here for five weeks from the middle of November and December whilst we explore pastures new . Watch this space .....
They seem to have got a grip on things quite readily and took to it likes ducks to water ......

We have never been short of volunteers to look after this beautiful sanctuary . Grateful indeed that people find it such a draw and long to come and help .
In fact Sally the lady caretaker suggested here might be a good place for her friend Debbie to find some solace , and she will arrive today our first seeker . Lovely how things gently come together .
Our bee keepers brought us a jar of honey yesterday not from the hives here they arrived to late to produce any but their hives are literally just over the ridge . Let's hope Debbie likes it .

Monday, 30 October 2017

Home again

We arrived home last night and are gradually settling into the rhythm here again , after a very busy morning . It started with us getting to the beach just after 7am with the dogs . 

A beautiful morning and a beautiful afternoon now. We have been busy with general cleaning after a family gathering here which used all the cottages and additional spaces we have . Lots to clean ........

The work is well underway on the new crafting room, and I have been busy returning the gong studio back to its normal self after our guests at the weekend used it for the family gathering.

I have had an email this morning from our first seeker who is due to arrive mid morning tomorrow . It should be a great time for her the weather is looking to hold out and remain dry .

So really it's a very practical day here today and nice getting things back in order , finding the sacred in the mundane .

Sunday, 29 October 2017

Short and sweet

A brief little note this morning our second night away from the farm and an extra hour to rest and rejuvenate , before heading to the second day of my course . I am enjoying it very much .

We have had an update from home and all is well there .
The timing of this weekend couldn't have been more appropriate , what I am learning will be useful with our first seeker to Gwenhwyfar Garden who arrives Tuesday . Naturally I didn't realise any of that when I booked this course way back at the beginning of the summer , so it's always reassuring that if I follow my heart felt desires it all seems to weave together without too much effort . That said we do not seem to be able to load the pictures to the blog whilst away , so just little short and sweet notes until tomorrow , when we can add some we have taken whilst away , and the new parts of building work at the farm we are looking forward to seeing when we return .

New Horizons

Keeping it brief today.... we arrived safe and well  at our destination , after a good nights sleep and a hearty breakfast we are going to set off to explore a little of our new surroundings before our course starts at 10.30.  not heard anything from the caretaker at  the farm so we guess all is well there . 

Friday, 27 October 2017

Sunrise a new day .

What a beautiful morning up before the sun showed its full beauty over the horizon .

Back from the beach and we have several things to do before we can head off for Dorset where I will be attending the final weekend of my soul midwife training . I love to keep exploring and learning new things .
We will leave the farm in safe hands and return Sunday night. Hopefully then we will have the hard standing for the pigs finished,  some more of the new craft room up , and the tiling in the bathroom of Willow complete.

Changing seasons , cycles, sunrises 🌅 and sunsets.

Seems like it's busy here , though that's not how it feels most of the time . We have a slower pace of life , though changes often bring a different pace ,and it's lovely to see our tradesmen's passion going into the new buildings , and remoulding of the old ones .

Today though for us it is really about a journey over the bridge to England .... another land .
We leave behind the magic of here to explore new places , and new faces , bringing back some of the magic we find in those to inject new ideas here . 
Sunrise and sunsets that bring new beginnings and endings , that together make beauty from the broken, and break the beauty of the day into the sunset and the dark of the night.

Thursday, 26 October 2017

Silhouettes and shadows .

Left early for the beach this morning . Lots of tradesmen due on site today, to get on with the new craft room and the finishing of Willow cottage so we needed to make sure we were back before they set to with their work and plans for the day.
It was still dark as we stepped on to Penbryn , not that the dogs minded.

 Treading more carefully however, were Ali and I . The tide was a long way out . Lovely to see the silhouettes and outlines of rocks and the large boulders . Looking up we could see the tree line at the edge of the cliff as the daylight grew.

Light and shade they make such wonderful blends . As the daylight grew and we turned back along the beach , the outflowing stream was more apparent , did we really step through that in the half light? wow looks a lot more challenging in full light. However we made it through with no real difficulties.

Got me wondering about our seekers and the truth of our own perceptions.
Darkness can appear , and feel menacing , although it need not , after all it's just the other side of light, and together this morning they made such beauty for us to perceive .

Pretty Plants and Perfect Pew .

Such a long time since I wrote here , I tend to post more on FB these days .  However new things coming up , so many things bursting int...