Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Dowsing and drawings

Has a week really passed since the last blog ???

Things have been happening here , changes all around .
After the dowsing we have the drawing or sketch of the visioned sound peace chamber . We are now having the full plans drawn .Fred has been back again and things are moving along . We have decided to go into the bank more and having had another chance to dowse all seems in alignment .
We are so happy with the design and to offer our ideas for suggested materials , the Willow and Hazel  are to be included as they are mine and Ali's Celtic trees . Naturally we will change things if required, though currently all is looking possible and probable. We have had the confirmation from building control today , always good when these are confirmed . As if to say yes to it all the daffodils and primroses are starting to open around the site of this new building gracing it with their beauty .

Our recent trip to New Zealand and the  Hobbiton film set ,is coming here to Wales. Well sort of !
Oh my , now just to create the required funding ............ It's all on its way that we feel sure .

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