Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Days and weeks

How quick have the days and weeks flown since the last blog . I have just been so busy with the day to day events that occur here .
The biggest retreat we have hosted ourselves was the last weekend of January ,followed by the amazing full moon gong bath with the lovely new sound creation earth gong. 

These have given me the opportunity to meet so many new people and connect with them. They are all weaving in our lives in the most extraordinary ways .

The next retreat 'Women of our Time' a triple weekend event is now full as is the women's soul quest with Judith Tripp in May . 

Things are really moulding into such solid foundations for the healing intention we set here back in 2012 after our first visit in November 2011, when the land here touched me so deeply I cried .
It seems to be that this land is a container for tears , both sad and joyful , sacred are they all .
Certainly of late , many have been shed here , I can but witness and weep at the depth of my soul to honour such courageous beauty from the people who allow me to share with them these magical healing moments, where grace seems to descend in a silence not even broken by the sound of the tears .

Our latest seeker has stayed over four weeks now and will leave on Monday after the all night gong Puja on Saturday .
As the snow fell yesterday another kind of silence descended , though today it has nearly cleared now leaving the bulbs upright and proud ,happy to have their feet in this land.
I do feel so very blessed to have been drawn to this magical place . It has such wonderful healing properties .

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