Can't believe it's Tuesday afternoon already. Another wonderful weekend retreat with brave souls who embrace the challenge of change . More squares created for the seekers shawl . All so very practical yet at the same time beautifully transforming , knitting for peace , what simple stitches can do to quieten a busy mind .
Then Ali and I made a two hour dash after the last session on Sunday , to collect and exchange a symphonic gong 38 inch for a 40 inch symphonic small difference in size but what an amazing difference in tones and sounds . Really seeing how quickly things are manifesting here now .
Can hardly wait for my next sound bath to introduce this new gong. A friend and gong player is staying with us this week , and Ali and I will both be having a treat from her later when we lie back and receive for a change .
On top of all this lovely change we now have seven of the sixteen roundhouse poles booked . Fred is arriving later this afternoon to go through the final plans and a start date for phase one of the ground works .
Can this really be all happening so quickly ...... feeling so very blessed .
Watch this space , no wonder I can find little time to blog !